The NEW business strategy for beauty professionals.

Discover how reducing the toxins in your salon can transform your business from a stressful and expensive habit into an impactful and profitable business.

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A personalized blueprint that outlines your unique path to success

Two decades of product and service research plus key beauty industry analytics you will use to design a more profitable business model

Education programs to use with clients and colleagues that will energize your business and build loyalty

A Marketing plan designed to attract your ideal clients, maintain key relationships, and establish your credibility in the community

Real transformation that gives you more money and time to enjoy the life you are building for you and your loved ones. Work less, live more!

How CLEAN is your business quiz

15 affirmations for the Enlightened Stylist

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Attract your ideal client meditation

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Establish Your Leadership and Credibility in the Community

Attract New Clients Each Week Without Gimmicky Marketing

Feel Healthier In AND Out of Your Business

Holistic Salon

Blueprint Blog

Holistic Salon Blueprint Blog

Welcome to the heart of holistic beauty for salon owners. With over a decade of experience running a thriving holistic salon, we're here to make clean, green, and sustainable practices accessible. Join us in creating a profitable and impactful salon business that's eco-friendly and forward-thinking.

A picture of 4 founders of the green beauty community

Sustainable Salon Solutions: Join the Green Beauty Community for a Greener, Healthier, and More Profitable Future

November 01, 20236 min read


Empower Your Salon for a Sustainable and Profitable Future with the Green Beauty Community

As a dedicated member of the beauty industry for over two decades and the owner of my own holistic salon for 12 years, I understand the challenges and transformations this field demands. When I began my journey as a salon owner, I often felt like a fish out of water. I was determined to grow my salon in a way that aligned with my values, diverging from the toxic practices that once threatened to drive me away. However, it wasn't an easy path, and I frequently felt alone in my endeavor. At the time, running a holistic, sustainable salon was far from the norm.

I won't sugarcoat it; this journey challenged me to the core. It meant questioning the status quo and, at times, venturing into uncharted territory. I had to rely on my intuition when the conventional wisdom failed me. Yet, through this journey, I found my purpose. Around four years ago, I recognized that one of my deepest passions lay in sharing the wisdom I'd gained, the challenges I'd faced, and the successes I'd achieved with other beauty professionals. I wanted to help them build businesses that they were proud of, businesses that not only improved the industry but also nurtured the environment and the well-being of salon owners, staff, and clients.

This became my mission: to show that not only is sustainability the future of the industry, but it's also a necessity for salon leaders. They need to create spaces that resonate with these principles - eco-friendly, healthy, and sustainable. My goal was to empower them to avoid the struggles I had faced and guide them through the blueprint I had created for my own salon.

But this mission wasn't without its own set of challenges. Once again, I felt alone on this path. It seemed like a continuous uphill battle to convince the world that this was possible and to find kindred spirits who shared this vision. That was until I found three remarkable individuals who were on the same journey, striving for a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable beauty industry.

Today marks a significant milestone - the official launch of the Green Beauty Community. I'm deeply honored to be a co-founder of this community. Together with Maisy, Daniel, and Hannah, we aim to turn our collective mission into an industry-wide movement. It's an exciting day for us, and I can't wait to introduce you to our founders and explain why joining this community is your next logical step in transforming your business.

Introducing The Green Beauty Community Founders

picture of the 4 founders of the green beauty community

Why you should join the Green Beauty Community

In the realm of beauty, as in any industry, knowledge is power. The Green Beauty Community empowers you with a wealth of resources, serving as your guiding light toward a more sustainable and holistic approach to beauty. Here's why you should choose us and join this transformative journey:

There is a lack of information and education in the industry

We focus on Providing Extensive Resources

In a world where sustainable beauty practices are the future, the Green Beauty Community stands as your one-stop source for extensive resources and educational materials. We're not just another platform; we're a community built on the exchange of knowledge, best practices, and innovative ideas. By joining us, you gain unlimited access to the wisdom of salon leaders and experts who share your passion for sustainable beauty. It's time to turn your salon into a hub of informed and eco-conscious beauty.

You may have difficulty in sourcing sustainable products

We have curated eco-friendly selection

Finding the right sustainable products can be a challenge, but we've made it effortless. Our community presents you with a curated selection of eco-friendly products and connects you with brands and suppliers who share your values. Choosing the Green Beauty Community means you're choosing the easy path to a cleaner, greener salon. We've already done the legwork; all that's left is for you to explore the eco-conscious beauty landscape with us.

You may be facing high initial costs

We are a resource where affordability meets sustainability

Concerns about high initial costs often deter salon owners from embracing sustainability. But here's the truth: eco-conscious practices don't have to break the bank. The Green Beauty Community is your partner in discovering cost-effective solutions that work for your business and the environment. We believe in the power of sustainability without compromise. When you join us, you'll access strategies that let you thrive while staying within your budget. It's time to prove that sustainability is not only responsible but also profitable.

Learning about waste management and reduction

We are your resource for effective waste reduction

Waste management should never be a roadblock to your sustainable journey. In the Green Beauty Community, you'll discover expert guidance on effective waste reduction, recycling, and composting practices tailored to salon environments. By joining us, you access the roadmap to minimizing your salon's environmental footprint. Let's transform waste into a legacy of conscious beauty, together.

Your client are starting to demand that businesses stand for something bigger but you son't know where to get started

We support your efforts in empowering your clients

Clients increasingly seek eco-friendly services, but they need education. We equip you with the tools and materials to educate your clients about sustainable practices and the numerous benefits of choosing eco-conscious services. It's not just about being sustainable; it's about helping your clients make informed choices. When you choose the Green Beauty Community, you choose to become a beacon of awareness and responsibility in the beauty world.

You struggle to balancing sustainability and profitability

We help you bridge to profitable sustainability

We understand that salon owners, like you, are concerned about balancing sustainability with profitability. The Green Beauty Community demystifies this concern. We share proven strategies that empower salons to maintain profitability while transitioning to more sustainable practices. Join us, and discover the secret to aligning your conscience and your bottom line.

You might feel some resistance to change

We have a whole community that will support you on feeling confident in your choice to sustainability

Embracing change can be intimidating. At the Green Beauty Community, we've created a support system where you're never alone in your journey. Our success stories serve as beacons of inspiration, and our community members are your allies in transformation. We make sure you have the support and encouragement you need to create a salon that's not just beautiful but also sustainable.

Are you struggling to stay up to date with sustainable trends

We will help you stay ahead of the curve

In the beauty industry, staying informed about the latest trends, innovations, and best practices in sustainability is vital. The Green Beauty Community is your source for the most recent developments. When you choose us, you choose to stay ahead of the curve and lead your salon into a greener and brighter future.

Why Wait? Join the Movement Today!

Are you ready to network with fellow sustainable stylists, partner with clean products, and maximize your impact on the world of beauty? The Green Beauty Community bridges the gap between environmentalism and beauty, making it a unified journey. Don't miss out – join us now at Green Beauty Community and explore our launch article. Let's make a meaningful change together.

Check out the podcast with the Green Beauty Team

Green Beauty CommunitySustainable SalonEco-Friendly BeautyClean Beauty IndustryHolistic SalonSustainable PracticesBeauty Industry TransformationSalon SustainabilityGreen Beauty MovementEco-Friendly Salon ProductsHolistic Hair TribeThe Clean Beauty Biz Coach
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Jacquelyn Rodriguez

Jacquelyn Rodriguez The Clean Beauty Biz Coach.

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Are you a salon owner or beauty professional striving to create a thriving, eco-conscious beauty business? Join us on The Salon Owners Holistic Blueprint Podcast for a transformative journey where beauty meets sustainability, and salon

success is redefined.

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phone image for the salon owners holistic blueprint podcast

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I am Jacquelyn Rodriguez a Holistic Salon Owner, founder of The Holistic Salon Academy, Certified Master Neuro-Coach, author, non-toxic cosmetic line owner and creator, energy healer, and podcast host. My first passion is to nurture my clients with green chemistry products and a salon dedicated to creating the most stylish looks using products, techniques, and packaging that has the least impact on the environment. Not too many people were doing this 15 years ago when I was creating an eco-friendly salon, so without a mentor or guide, I began a journey that led me into coaching. Today, while my salon business is growing, I am teaching other beauty business professionals how to create profit and freedom with my holistic salon academy.

Jacquelyn Rodriguez smiling holding a smudge stick and a hand over her heart.
Jacquelyn Rodriguez smiling holding a smudge stick and a hand over her heart.