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Rethinking Hiring: Why Traditional Methods Fall Short in Building a Holistic Salon Team

Rethinking Hiring: Why Traditional Methods Fall Short in Building a Holistic Salon Team

August 08, 20234 min read

Remember, hiring holistic stylists is about more than just finding employees—it's about building a community of individuals who share your passion for holistic beauty. The right team can make all the difference in creating a thriving and harmonious salon environment. Embrace the power of hiring with intention, and watch your salon flourish - Jacquelyn Rodriguez


As a salon owner, you might have found yourself struggling to find stylists who truly understand and embody the holistic vision of your salon. Building a team that shares your passion for holistic beauty is not a walk in the park, but imagine the transformative experiences you could provide to your clients with such a team.

Rethinking Hiring: Why Traditional Methods Fall Short in Building a Holistic Salon Team

It's time to challenge the old ways of hiring and to revolutionize your team. Here's a fresh perspective on how to find stylists who not only excel in their craft but also wholeheartedly align with your holistic vision.

The Challenges of Traditional Hiring

We've all had interviews that went wrong. The traditional methods of hiring often lead us to settle for team members who don't fully understand or embrace our salon's values, which can result in a compromised customer experience and a stagnant business. But it's possible to find a team that shares your passion for holistic beauty - if you rethink your approach to hiring.

Learn from Success Stories

Let's take a look at how Dyson approached their hiring process. They sought out individuals who believed in their unique vision of transforming the hair industry with innovative technology and a focus on hair health. This strategy allowed them to build a team of passionate innovators who propelled their brand to success.

Rethink Your Hiring Strategy

Your holistic salon needs a similar approach. When hiring, seek out stylists who are open to challenging traditional methods and prioritizing the well-being of their clients' hair and overall beauty. Emphasize eco-friendly and sustainable practices, and look for candidates who genuinely care about nurturing the mind, body, and spirit of their clients. By doing so, you will cultivate a team that not only excels in their craft but also actively contributes to the growth and success of your holistic salon.

Actionable Steps to Rethink Your Hiring

One of the most important aspects of starting a blog is establishing a connection with your potential customers. This can be done through engaging in conversation on your blog, posting stories about how you operate your business, or even sharing inspiring content that you think will resonate with them. These interactions also make it easier for you to keep up with what people are saying and sharing on social media.

Here are some actionable steps to help you attract stylists who are genuinely passionate about working in a holistic salon:

Step 1: Reframe Your Beliefs

First, consider how you're showing up in your business. Are you leading with compassion, excitement, and love, or are you bringing stress and toxic energy? This self-awareness is the first step in reframing your beliefs about hiring and creating a positive work culture.

Step 2: Define Your Salon's Mission and Values

Next, get clear on your salon's mission and values. Consider the energy you want in your salon, and create a roadmap for yourself and your team to follow.

Step 3: Reflect Your Vision in Your Branding

Your salon's mission and values should be reflected in your branding. This will not only attract clients but also potential stylists who share your values and are looking for a salon like yours.

Step 4: Rethink Your Job Descriptions

Instead of focusing only on technical skills in your job postings, highlight your salon's values, mission, and commitment to holistic beauty.

Step 5: Revamp Your Interview Process

During interviews, ask about their personal connection to holistic beauty, experiences with eco-friendly and sustainable practices, and how they integrate wellness into their work.

Step 6: Conduct Trial Shifts

Invite potential stylists to spend a day at your salon, interacting with your team, and observing your holistic practices.

Step 7: Network in the Holistic Beauty Community

Attend industry conferences, workshops, and seminars to connect with like-minded stylists who share your values.

Implementing these steps in your hiring process can make a significant difference in your salon's culture. Remember, hiring holistic stylists is about more than just finding employees—it's about building a community of individuals who share your passion for holistic beauty.

The right team can make all the difference in creating a thriving and harmonious salon environment. Embrace the power of hiring with intention, and watch your salon flourish. Stay true to your holistic vision, and keep shining!

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Jacquelyn Rodriguez

Jacquelyn Rodriguez The Clean Beauty Biz Coach.

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I am Jacquelyn Rodriguez a Holistic Salon Owner, founder of The Holistic Salon Academy, Certified Master Neuro-Coach, author, non-toxic cosmetic line owner and creator, energy healer, and podcast host. My first passion is to nurture my clients with green chemistry products and a salon dedicated to creating the most stylish looks using products, techniques, and packaging that has the least impact on the environment. Not too many people were doing this 15 years ago when I was creating an eco-friendly salon, so without a mentor or guide, I began a journey that led me into coaching. Today, while my salon business is growing, I am teaching other beauty business professionals how to create profit and freedom with my holistic salon academy.

Jacquelyn Rodriguez smiling holding a smudge stick and a hand over her heart.
Jacquelyn Rodriguez smiling holding a smudge stick and a hand over her heart.